Wage freeze looms for NT Catholic school members

20 July, 2021

IEU-QNT members employed in Northern Territory Catholic schools are outraged and concerned at the prospect of facing a wage freeze, which will have major financial implications for staff working in the sector.

During a recent bargaining meeting to negotiate a replacement collective enterprise agreement, the NT Catholic employer indicated to our union and employee bargaining representatives they would follow, as they had in the past, the outcomes of the public sector negotiations in respect to any wage increases.

Serious implications for members

Northern Territory Organiser Jengis Osman said although the employer is yet to officially formalise their wages position, their intention to follow the disreputable public sector wage freeze was shameful.

“It was an appalling decision by the NT government to implement a wage freeze for public sector workers last year, particularly during the middle of a pandemic,” Jengis said.

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