Accessing natural disaster leave

With the extreme weather currently impacting North Queensland, we urge all IEU members to check whether they have access to natural disaster leave provisions in their collective agreement.

Renew with IEU for 2025

Protecting your career is good value for money. Renew your IEU membership for 2025!

Losing $165k in retirement: Coalition plan

Key Coalition MPs want to slash minimum superannuation from 12% to just 9% if returned to federal government.

The million-dollar IEU difference

Over $1 million in settlement and compensation payments to members secured in the past year.

Who we are

Our union was founded more than 100 years ago. We are the only strong, united voice for employees in the non-government education sector.

Independent Education Union - Queensland and Northern Territory Branch

The IEU (QLD & NT) is the union for teachers, school support staff and other education professionals in the non-government education sector in Queensland and the Northern Territory.

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Member maintains employment after redundancy scare

An IEU member has maintained their employment after an attempt to make them redundant without redeployment.

Big business launches attack on penalty rates

Australia’s largest retailers are attempting to scrap overtime and penalty rates.

Losing $165k in retirement: Coalition plan

Key Coalition MPs want to slash minimum superannuation from 12% to just 9% if returned to federal government.

Win for workers as super’s true purpose safeguarded

The true purpose of superannuation has been safeguarded, following the passage of the Superannuation (Objective) Bill 2023 through the Senate yesterday.

Plans to protect workers from AI misuse welcomed

Our union has welcomed a raft of recommendations outlined in a new report by the Senate Select Committee on Adopting Artificial Intelligence.

Celebrating IEU members

Our union has recognised the contributions and achievements of exceptional IEU members at the 2024 IEU-QNT Member Awards.  

Decision to halt Queensland Truth-Telling and Healing Inquiry condemned

Our union has condemned the Queensland government’s decision to halt the Truth Telling and Healing Inquiry and end the state’s Path to Treaty process.

Dos and don’ts of EOY functions

Avoid an uncomfortable situation with your employer upon returning to work.

Gender pay gap narrowing three times faster

The gender pay gap is closing three times faster under the current government, a new report has found. 

Employer attempt to restrict delegate rights quashed

Our union has successfully resolved a dispute with the Queensland Lutheran schools employing authority over IEU delegates’ right to communicate with staff.

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