20,11,24 | Member action, Union win
Our union has recognised the contributions and achievements of exceptional IEU members at the 2024 IEU-QNT Member Awards. IEU-QNT Branch Secretary Terry Burke said our union’s annual Member Awards were an important occasion to recognise the significant difference...
01,11,24 | Member action, Teachers
IEU members have been honoured for outstanding contributions to the teaching profession as part of World Teachers’ Day 2024. Each year, the Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) celebrates the achievements of some of the state’s exceptional teachers by presenting...
15,10,24 | Collective bargaining, Member action, Union win
Members of our union employed at Ipswich Girls’ Grammar School (IGGS) and Ipswich Junior Grammar School (IJGS) have demonstrated the difference collective action and union membership makes, following the formal approval of their new collective agreement by the Fair...
09,09,24 | Member action, Professional issues
The implementation of Consultative Committees in close to 150 Queensland Catholic schools reflects the strength of IEU members who have united to deliver the message to their employers that there are better ways to collectively manage workload, as IEU-QNT Assistant...
29,08,24 | Member action, Union win
IEU members employed at Ipswich Girls Grammar School (IGGS) and Ipswich Junior Grammar School (IJGS) have demonstrated the difference collective action and solidarity make. An overwhelming 95 per cent of IGGS/IJGS employees recently voted to accept a proposed...
26,06,24 | Member action
Lodging your tax return is easier when you know what you can or can’t claim as a deduction. Teaching and educational support staff incur many expenses throughout the financial year, which can be claimed as a deduction, but these can be tricky to navigate....
15,05,24 | Collective bargaining, Early childhood, Member action
The 2024 federal budget has been welcomed by our union, as the Albanese government continues to repair the nation’s education system and deliver much-needed relief to IEU members and their families in a cost-of-living crisis. IEUA Federal Secretary Brad Hayes said the...
01,05,24 | Member action, Workers' rights
IEU members across Queensland and the Northern Territory are set to celebrate the difference collective solidarity makes as part of Labour Day and May Day celebrations this coming long weekend (4-6 May). IEU-QNT Assistant Secretary Rebecca Sisson said each year, the...
12,03,24 | Equity, Member action, Workers' rights
The Queensland Council of Unions (QCU) is calling for new laws that provide up to 10 days of paid leave for workers to treat and manage conditions related to reproductive health. QCU General Secretary Jacqueline King said the It’s For Every Body campaign wants new...
27,02,24 | Collective bargaining, Member action, Member benefits, Union win, Workers' rights
Australian unions have welcomed news working people’s wages are finally rising after years of going backwards. It comes as the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reported last week that wages rose by more than the annual inflation rate for the first time since...
20,02,24 | Member action, Member benefits, Union win
IEU member David Page-Dhu has been recognised as the recipient of the 2023 TUH Future of Teaching Bursary. Established in 2020 by the Teachers Union Health Fund, the Bursary provides $5000 to an IEU member to recognise and encourage innovative teaching solutions and...
20,02,24 | Member action, Union win
Our union’s most outstanding activists were presented with IEU Member Awards at the 2023 Annual General Meeting – recognising their significant contributions to our collective.
06,02,24 | Collective bargaining, Member action, Workers' rights
IEU members working in Toowoomba Catholic primary schools are leading by example to make use of important new provisions to tackle workload. Darling Downs IEU Organiser Matt Kliese said it was impressive local Chapters were proactively preparing to establish the Local...
23,11,23 | Equity, Member action
25 November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, which also marks the beginning of 16 days of action against gender-based violence. IEU-QNT Assistant Secretary Nicole Kapernick said members were taking action to help create a world...
14,11,23 | Collective bargaining, Member action, Workers' rights
The passing of new legislation that would get wages moving and help restore the rights of working people is being blocked in Parliament following a shameful campaign by big business. The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) Sectary Sally McManus said the Closing...
31,10,23 | Industrial advice, Member action, School support staff
Our union has helped a school officer secure continuing employment status after experiencing 12 years of rolling fixed-term contracts. IEU-QNT Industrial Services Officer Mark Moorhead said our union requested that the member be granted continuing status after more...
23,10,23 | Member action
The IEU-QNT 25-year membership program recognises and celebrates members who have shown their commitment to the power of the collective for such a significant length of time. In 2012, our union initiated a program to recognise members who achieved a quarter century of...
14,08,23 | Collective bargaining, Hear Our Voice, Member action
Thousands of employees across 34 Queensland Catholic schools will take protected industrial action tomorrow, Tuesday 15 August 2023. IEU-QNT members will stop work for five-minutes from 8:30-8:35am and undertake a range of “work bans” throughout the day. The action...
14,08,23 | Collective bargaining, Hear Our Voice, Member action
Hundreds of employees across 13 Toowoomba Catholic schools will take protected industrial action tomorrow, Tuesday 15 August 2023. IEU-QNT members will stop work for five-minutes from 8:30-8:35am and undertake a range of “work bans” throughout the day. The schools...
10,08,23 | Collective bargaining, Member action, Union win
National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) members have secured a sector-leading 18% pay rise for staff at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). Over 95% of staff voted up the proposed four-year agreement this week. Other key wins in the new agreement include almost...
07,08,23 | Collective bargaining, Member action, Workers' rights
Nurses employed by the Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia (RFDS) in Queensland are fighting for better pay rates, with most currently receiving more than 25% less than colleagues in public and private hospitals. Queensland Nurses and Midwives Union (QNMU)...
15,06,22 | Member action, Workers' rights
The right to a safe and healthy work environment is now enshrined int the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO’s) framework of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. The right to a healthy and safe workplace was adopted as a new fundamental right at this...
17,05,22 | Member action, Workers' rights, Workplace Health and Safety (WHS)
Recent wet weather and unseasonably high levels of humidity across Queensland has led to an increase in the prevalence of mould being reported at school sites. Members should be aware of the dangers associated with mould in the workplace and ensure their IEU chapter...
04,03,21 | Member action, Teachers, Workers' rights
IEU members have reported employers who are placing inappropriate requirements on teachers who are sick. Organiser Caryl Rosser said unfortunately, some employers were asking staff who were on sick leave to send through a copy of all their planning for the day. “When...
01,04,20 | Member action, Member benefits, Union win
IEU members are always fighting for positive change, often in challenging circumstances like Australia’s unbalanced industrial system or the ongoing global pandemic which has caused many impacts in schools. A union is fundamentally a place of hope and a union...
01,05,18 | Collective bargaining, Member action, Member benefits
The latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data, combined with recent wage outcomes in our sector, provide a clear and compelling message – join your union for better pay. This will come as no huge surprise to our members and their employers. However, sometimes...