The IEU-QNT Equity Committee is committed to addressing the challenges facing women at work, including barriers to leadership and other inquities.
As a union comprised of a majority of women members, IEU-QNT is passionate about empowering women at work and in the broader community.
When they join together in their union, women are a powerful voice for change.
Within the Women and Leadership Program, women members are encouraged to become active in their union by networking with colleague members, attending professional development, connecting online and driving what their leadership development will look like.
The concept of a program to support the development of women leaders in IEU was born at an inaugural Women’s Conference in Canberra in 2017, which united 100 women from IEU branches across Australia.
How to get involved
Our union regularly provides professional development and networking opportunities. IEU-QNT women members will receive invitations by email. Current events and training opportunities can also be viewed on our events calendar.
The best way to stay in touch with all things Women and Leadership is to join the private Facebook Group, which connects IEU women members from across the country. Join now via the link below.