The recipients for our union’s Literary Competition have been announced for 2022, with the judges impressed by the exceptional talent on display.
Over 900 written pieces of poetry, short stories and non-fiction prose were entered into the IEU-QNT 63rd Literary Competition, run jointly with the English Teacher Association of Queensland (ETAQ).
IEU-QNT Branch Secretary Terry Burke said our union’s Literary Competition is Queensland’s longest continuing writing competition for students, established by our antecedent union and open to students and staff from Queensland state and non-government schools.
“For the first time since prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, we were able to return to business as usual and safely host the presentation evening,” Terry said.
“Attendees at the presentation evening were treated to an engaging lecture by guest speaker Anisa Nandaula, a nationally recognised spoken word poet, playwright, educator and author, who discussed her career experiences and performed poetry for the audience,” he said.
“The winning poems, short stories and non-fiction prose were read aloud to the audience, which was enjoyable and demonstrated the level of sophistication and creativity of the writing.
“Congratulations to the Literary Competition winners and thank you to all who got involved,” Terry said.
Read the full list of winners here.