Questioning the questioner: what story is ACER trying to tell?

10 May, 2021

An infographic may seem a ubiquitous way to easily tell a story in today’s world, but the reason behind why that story is being told still requires careful attention and, in some cases, questioning, as IEU-QNT Research Officer and officer assisting the Education Committee, Adele Schmidt writes.

As part of its periodical publication, Teacher, the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), regularly publishes infographics that summarise various data of interest to practising teachers.

In the March 16 2021 edition, the published infographic summarised findings of a survey of 732 parents of students attending government and non-government schools throughout Australia, conducted by researchers from the Australian National University’s Centre for Social Research and Methods [1].

Although the survey itself aimed to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on parental satisfaction with schooling, the data presented by ACER focused on a specific survey question which asked respondents which activities/aims, of a selection of 15 options, should be focal points for education.


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