Record your Chapter’s Resolution response

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Chapter Resolution

The IEU Chapter at [school/workplace] notes current employer policies deny employees immediate access to paid pandemic leave.

The failure to provide any upfront pandemic leave, or requirements to first exhaust all personal leave, denies schools staff an important COVID-19 safety precaution.

It is not appropriate for school employees to deplete their personal leave for COVID-19 related issues given the highly infectious nature of current variants and the very real likelihood of staff becoming infected in their school workplace – one already acknowledged as a high-risk setting.

Paid pandemic leave has proven to be an effective strategy to help limit COVID-19 transmissions, providing employees with the financial security to safely isolate or recover at home if required.

We call on our employer to make paid pandemic leave available and without any requirement to first exhaust all personal leave.

Click here to return to the Paid Pandemic Leave campaign page.