National Reconciliation Week 2022

11 April, 2022

Held annually, National Reconciliation Week (NRW) occurs between 27 May and 3 June, dates which mark historically significant milestones for First Nations People and Australia’s reconciliation journey: the 1967 referendum and the Mabo decision.

Be Brave. Make Change.

The 2022 theme for National Reconciliation Week is Be Brave. Make Change.

The theme challenges all Australians – individuals, families, communities, organisations and government – to Be Brave and tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation so we can Make Change for all.

It is an extension of last year’s NRW theme, which reminds us that words are simply not enough; only courageous, impactful actions will lead to progress on reconciliation with First Nations Peoples in Australia.

Change the Record

Our union encourages IEU Chapters to take action during National Reconciliation Week 2022 by supporting the Change the Record campaign.

The two overarching goals of Change the Record campaign are:

  • to close the gap in rates of imprisonment by 2040; and
  • to cut the disproportionate rates of violence to at least close the gap by 2040 with priority strategies for women and children.

Change the Record is Australia’s only national First Nations led justice coalition of First Nations peak bodies and non-First Nations allies, who are working to end the incarceration of, and family violence against, First Nations people.

Change the Record describe their approach as strength-based, culturally focused and grounded in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander self-determination and rights.

Members are encouraged to take the following key actions:

  • Email your state MP asking them to reform laws which disproportionately push First Nations Peoples into prisons and to help change the record on First Nations deaths in custody
  • Donate to the Change the Record’s #RaiseTheAge campaign to help advance the cause, as they rely entirely on donations to continue their work.
  • Sign the petition to support the call to #RaiseTheAge of criminal responsibility to at least 14 years old
  • Share these key actions via social media to raise awareness and help the campaign gain momentum

For more information on Change the Record’s demands and to learn about their strategic blueprint for change, visit

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