Members take action to save working conditions

16 March, 2021
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Today, the Senate has started debating the Federal Government’s dangerous and extreme IR omnibus bill.

IEU-QNT Branch Secretary Terry Burke said there was now less than 48 hours to stop this bill.

“As such, IEU members are reiterating their calling on Queensland cross-bench senators Pauline Hanson and Malcom Roberts to help stop the Federal Government’s plan to weaken important worker protections and allow employers to cut pay and conditions below the minimum award safety net,” Mr Burke said.

“After the year we have been through, where we’ve seen so many essential workers, including school staff, work tirelessly in challenging circumstances throughout the pandemic – the last thing these workers deserve is an attack on working conditions.

“Now is the time to enhance wages and conditions, not cut them.

“The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) is calling on everyone to urgently send a message to the cross-bench senators to oppose this dangerous and extreme IR omnibus bill.

“IEU members can make their voice heard right now via the ACTU’s email campaign,” Mr Burke said.


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