11,11,24 | Professional issues, Teachers
The latest Education at a Glance report published by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has confirmed inequity in education, staffing and high workloads remain perennial problems in Australia. IEU-QNT Branch Secretary Terry Burke said the...
01,11,24 | Member action, Teachers
IEU members have been honoured for outstanding contributions to the teaching profession as part of World Teachers’ Day 2024. Each year, the Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) celebrates the achievements of some of the state’s exceptional teachers by presenting...
25,07,24 | Member benefits, School support staff, Teachers
170 IEU-QNT members have celebrated 25 years of membership this week. IEU-QNT Assistant Secretary/Treasurer Rebecca Sisson said our union’s 25-Year Member program provided an opportunity to pause and recognise those members who have made a long-standing commitment to...
13,05,24 | Professional issues, Teachers
Our union has welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement to reduce the financial burden on student teachers by introducing government payment during a practicum. IEU-QNT Branch Secretary Terry Burke said the move follows long-running advocacy from our union for...
10,05,24 | Professional issues, Teachers
Our union, along with the Queensland Teachers’ Union (QTU), are hosting an Initial Teacher Education (ITE) symposium for Queensland education stakeholders ahead of the renegotiation of a new practicum agreement in 2025. IEU-QNT Assistant Secretary/Treasurer Paul...
27,02,24 | Beginning Educators (BEnet), Equity, Teachers
The IEU-QNT has endorsed the Federal Government’s Universities Accord Final Report recommendation to reduce financial pressure on teaching students by introducing paid practicum. The review backs long-running calls from unions and academics for students to be...
07,11,23 | Beginning Educators (BEnet), Teachers
With half of all student teachers failing to finish their teaching degree, a major rethink is needed on how the next generation of teachers can be better supported to complete their studies and stay in the teaching profession. Independent Education Union of Australia...
30,10,23 | Professional issues, Teachers
Dr Glenys Mann from Queensland University of Technology’s (QUT) School of Early Childhood and Inclusive Education is seeking expressions of interest from teachers in the non-government education sector to participate in her upcoming research project. As a Senior...
24,10,23 | Professional issues, Teachers
The findings from a review of the IEU Mentoring Program show that participating members have overwhelmingly found the program beneficial, with some providing suggestions for practical changes to improve future programs. IEU-QNT Research Officer Dr Adele Schmidt said...
12,10,23 | Teachers
As World Teachers’ Day 2023 approaches, our union is celebrating the achievements of IEU-QNT members who have been honoured with Teach X Awards. Every year, the Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) hosts the Teach X Awards to acknowledge the inspiring contributions of...
16,08,23 | Professional issues, Teachers
With unsustainable workloads and work intensification driving teachers out of the profession, workload impact tests must form part of any new school initiatives. Advice released by our union’s federal office this week reaffirms the need for a “circuit breaker” on...
07,08,23 | Collective bargaining, Professional issues, Teachers
A 2.5% wage offer over four years for New South Wales (NSW) public sector teachers has been slammed by teacher unions. The NSW government has reneged on a previous deal that would have seen its teachers among the best paid in the country, according to the NSW...
03,08,23 | Member benefits, Teachers
IEU members employed in Brisbane, Cairns and Toowoomba Catholic schools or Queensland Anglican schools are eligible to participate in a fortnight-long exchange to Alberta, Canada. The Alberta Teachers’ Association short-term teacher exchanges permit an exploration of...
13,06,22 | Professional issues, Teachers
A new government brings new opportunities for real change in the teaching profession and ensuring the voices of teachers are at the heart of those changes, writes IEU-QNT Branch Secretary Terry Burke. As the voice of members, our union looks forward to having the...
04,03,21 | Member action, Teachers, Workers' rights
IEU members have reported employers who are placing inappropriate requirements on teachers who are sick. Organiser Caryl Rosser said unfortunately, some employers were asking staff who were on sick leave to send through a copy of all their planning for the day. “When...
01,05,20 | Early childhood, Teachers
A new early learning initiative to teach young children about cyber safety and digital technology use has launched, as part of a joint program developed by the Australian Federal Police, eSafety Commissioner, Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation and the...