21,10,24 | Member benefits, Union win
Our union has returned over a million dollars in member settlement and compensation payments in the past year, as IEU Assistant Secretary/Treasurer Rebecca Sisson writes. The numbers don’t lie – there are a million reasons to be an IEU member. A total of $1,062,948 in...
06,09,24 | Member benefits
Following its hiatus during the COVID-19 pandemic, the IEU-QNT and the Teachers Union of Alberta (Canada) teacher exchange program has restarted on the basis of shorter-term exchanges rather than the previous 12-month ones. Jordan has recently commenced the first part...
02,09,24 | Competitions, Member benefits
IEU members have an exclusive opportunity to receive a grant of $5000 to help bring their dream educational project to life. Established in 2020, the TUH Health Fund Future of Teaching Bursary was designed with a clear purpose: to empower and support educators who are...
25,07,24 | Member benefits, School support staff, Teachers
170 IEU-QNT members have celebrated 25 years of membership this week. IEU-QNT Assistant Secretary/Treasurer Rebecca Sisson said our union’s 25-Year Member program provided an opportunity to pause and recognise those members who have made a long-standing commitment to...
27,02,24 | Collective bargaining, Member action, Member benefits, Union win, Workers' rights
Australian unions have welcomed news working people’s wages are finally rising after years of going backwards. It comes as the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reported last week that wages rose by more than the annual inflation rate for the first time since...
20,02,24 | Member action, Member benefits, Union win
IEU member David Page-Dhu has been recognised as the recipient of the 2023 TUH Future of Teaching Bursary. Established in 2020 by the Teachers Union Health Fund, the Bursary provides $5000 to an IEU member to recognise and encourage innovative teaching solutions and...
05,02,24 | Member benefits, Professional issues
Upcoming IEU member-only professional development will cover critical topics for all school staff when it comes to Artificial Intelligence (AI). The impact of AI on education remains a topic at the forefront of IEU members’ minds, with the federal government’s new...
10,10,23 | Member benefits, Union win
Over $1.1 million in compensation, underpayments and allowances have been returned to members in the past year. IEU Branch Secretary Terry Burke said the outcome was the direct result of the work of our expert industrial team and IEU organisers. “IEU membership means...
03,08,23 | Beginning Educators (BEnet), Member benefits
Established in 2020, the TUH Health Fund Future of Teaching Bursary was designed with a clear purpose: to empower and support educators who are members of the IEU. This initiative allows those working in education to excel in their careers and make a profound...
03,08,23 | Member benefits, Teachers
IEU members employed in Brisbane, Cairns and Toowoomba Catholic schools or Queensland Anglican schools are eligible to participate in a fortnight-long exchange to Alberta, Canada. The Alberta Teachers’ Association short-term teacher exchanges permit an exploration of...
01,04,20 | Member action, Member benefits, Union win
IEU members are always fighting for positive change, often in challenging circumstances like Australia’s unbalanced industrial system or the ongoing global pandemic which has caused many impacts in schools. A union is fundamentally a place of hope and a union...
01,05,18 | Collective bargaining, Member action, Member benefits
The latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data, combined with recent wage outcomes in our sector, provide a clear and compelling message – join your union for better pay. This will come as no huge surprise to our members and their employers. However, sometimes...