WorkCover wins for psychological injuries

WorkCover wins for psychological injuries

Our union’s expert advice and support has helped two members secure successful WorkCover claims for work-related psychological injuries. IEU-QNT Industrial Officer Nick Sahlqvist said the recent cases reinforced the importance of contacting our union as early as...
$80,000 backpay secured for member

$80,000 backpay secured for member

An IEU member has recently received over $80,000 in backpay after receiving support from our union. IEU-QNT Industrial Services Officer Mark Moorhead said the member was working at school in Brisbane and contacted our union after several years of working more hours...
Transitioning to retirement

Transitioning to retirement

Retirement from the workforce marks an exciting and significant milestone in a worker’s lifetime, and our union is here to support members through the process. Before deciding to transition to retirement, members should carefully consider their preferred timeframes,...
Accessing natural disaster leave

Accessing natural disaster leave

Where a natural disaster and/or emergency occurs, our union is with our members every step of the way. Fundamentally, where members have safety concerns in the event of natural disaster or emergency, such as severe weather, they should follow the advice of emergency...
$13k back pay for wrongly classified teacher

$13k back pay for wrongly classified teacher

An IEU member has secured more than $13,000 in back pay and is now correctly classified after our union’s intervention with the employer. The Queensland-based teacher member contacted our union for assistance after suspecting they were incorrectly classified and being...
Camps and co-curricular: don’t risk it

Camps and co-curricular: don’t risk it

Members are reminded to exercise caution when it comes to participating in school camps, trips and extra-curricular activities. In 2020, the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (QIRC) and Industrial Court of Queensland (ICQ) upheld WorkCover’s rejection of a...
New laws to ensure psychological health and safety

Psychological injury cases increasing

Our union has recently supported a number of IEU members with psychological injuries through WorkCover claims, particularly in high-risk educational workplaces. IEU Industrial Officer Melanie Stellmacher said no matter the workplace, employers owe a duty of care to...
IEU makes $1.3 million difference

IEU makes $1.3 million difference

Over $1.3 million in payments have been returned to members in the past financial year. IEU-QNT’s industrial team secured the $1,307,750 sum across a range of cases related to unfair dismissals, redundancies, underpayments and other settlements. Key cases included:...